
Our Mission
The Transfer Student Center (TSC) works with all transfer students to facilitate their transition and overall success at UCI. The Transfer Student Center directs students to appropriate campus programs and services. We also organize weekly workshops, provide formal and informal mentoring, and provide students with a space for studying. The Transfer Student Center strives to foster a sense of community among the transfers at UCI and advocates for them in order to enhance their academic and social experience. TSC works closely with Tau Sigma National Honor Society and provides guidance in this organization’s work to advocate and support transfer students at UCI.
Our Focus
UCI’s Transfer Student Center provides programs and services for transfer students that affirm their value to the UCI community and increase their visibility on our campus. Our programs and services are designed to:
Guide students as they transition into UCI, throughout their time here, and beyond
Inform students of the resources, programs, and opportunities they need to navigate campus
Support students through one-on-one meetings, advocating for student needs and concerns
Connect students to each other by providing a central meeting place for studying and socializing, as well as through our various programs and events that bring transfers together